Do’s and Don’ts of Interviewing and Job Hunting

Do’s and Don’ts of Interviewing and Job Hunting

Don’t let your first impression be your worst impression. Here is a list of things to keep in mind before and after your next interview.

Don’t wear your casino bracelet to your in person or Zoom interview.
Don’t reek of alcohol during your in person interview.
Don’t chew gum during your interview.
Don’t do your Zoom interview on your bed or in a room where your personal stuff is front and center (be aware of what the interviewer can see during the interview, i.e., scandalous magazines).
Don’t answer your phone, texts or emails during an interview. Be present.
Don’t wear your Lululemon tights or any tights for that matter to an interview.
Don’t wear a baseball hat to your interview.
Don’t bring your pet to your interview.
Don’t prop your legs up on a chair or desk or any object while interviewing.
Don’t smoke while on your Zoom interview.
Don’t cook, eat, drink, go to the bathroom, go outside or walk around your home while on a Zoom or phone interview.
Don’t have music or T.V. on while on your Zoom or phone interview.
Don’t have background noise during your Zoom or phone interview – no children talking, no cat meowing, dogs barking, spouse screaming.
Don’t EVER be late or rushed whether in person, by phone or Zoom. There is no excuse for being late.
Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself.
Don’t cancel an interview.
Don’t stop showing up or quit after a week, month or even a year unless it is a really, really bad situation. Nothing is worse for a job hunter than job jumping.
Don’t assume your employer won’t accommodate your requests – they might give you a raise, allow you to work remotely, allow you to work flex hours, allow you to move offices.
If you really, really want the job, don’t ask for remote work if the job is an in-person job.
*These are actual accounts of interviews from HR reps.

Do show up for your interview.
Do make sure your microphone is on when you start your Zoom interview. (Do a practice session with your recruiter or a friend)
Do promptly return calls and emails.
Do show up for your first day of work.
Do dress professionally. Pants and a button shirt are perfect. No need to wear panty hose or heels.
Do be on time. Leave home an hour early, and give yourself ample time to be punctual.
Do be prepared. Do know the details, duties and expectations of the job. If you don’t have experience for the specific job, educate yourself so you can convince the interviewer that you are a fast learner.
Do know who you will interview with and research those individuals. Check their LinkedIn, Facebook, do a Google search. You may have something in common or have mutual acquaintances.
Do have good references, primarily professional references from previous employers.
Do listen, make eye contact, smile, be conversational, and confident.
Do promptly complete necessary paperwork.
Do be gracious knowing that these professionals have taken time out of their day to interview you.
Do treat your recruiter as a potential employer. Remember your recruiter’s credibility is tied to your professionalism and performance.
Do talk to your employer before quitting. You never know, they may give you that raise or allow you to work remotely a few days or give you more PTO or move you to a new office, or allow you to work flexible hours.